The Norwegian women's national team became European champions in handball on Sunday. The final was played against Spain, and Norway won the match 34 – 21. After an even first half the Norwegian team dominated the second half and won comfortable. The Norwegian national team also won Olympic gold medals earlier this year.

This is the first time the Spanish women's national team made it to the final and they deserve much praise and honor for their efforts. Spain has fought hard throughout the tournament and surprised many with their achievements. They play attractive and effective handball and the Spanish team will be interesting to follow in the years ahead.

Shortly explained a handball match is played in two times 30 minutes. It’s a demanding sport with lots of speed and action. Tactics and defense are important ingredients; where scoring goals is a painful and tough business.

The video below gives a good idea of how tough a handball match is. If you think American football is rough, take a look at a handball player's day at the office:

(Norway national team in red jerseys)

Congratulations girls, to become European champions in a 12 days tournament is an impressive and painful achievement.

I'm proud of you :o)



DR VINNY BOOM BOTTS said... @ December 16, 2008 at 5:25 PM

Gee this looks like a fight out side a bar. This is one tough game. I hope they have a doctor on hand.

Lisa said... @ December 17, 2008 at 6:40 AM

Dr Vinny, it sure is a tough game and comparing it with a bar fight is quite funny. As you can see they don't wear much protection so injuries on knees, shoulders and arms are usual. Broken fingers are so common that its hardly characterized as an injury, and yes there are doctors present...

Stine said... @ December 18, 2008 at 11:16 AM

Good on them - they deserve it, and so does Ms.Breivik.
Takk for hyggelig kommentar - du som blogger på engelsk kan kanskje ha nytte av slogbite.com - du kan lese mer på bloggen min. Som sosial arena og kilde til gode blogger tror jeg det kan bli bra.

Lisa said... @ December 18, 2008 at 11:47 AM

Thank you for visiting and commenting Stine, I appreciate that :o)
Takker også for omtalen på bloggen din, skal ta en tur til slogbite.com - vi sees...

Speedcat Hollydale said... @ December 18, 2008 at 9:20 PM

You know, I have NEVER seen this game played before. How interesting ... it seems to be a combination of hockey, football, and soccer. I think the game requires more saftey equipment! Very action paked no doubt. Thanks for showing me something new :-)

Hello from Minnesota,
Eric "Speedy Cat"

Lisa said... @ December 19, 2008 at 12:14 AM

Hello Eric, I'm pleased to be the one who introduce you to handball :o) Infact there are many similarities between handball and basketball. But, the players are allowed to tackle tougher in handball and I guess physically its more like hockey or American football. Thanks for your comment, nice of you to come by...

Anonymous said... @ December 19, 2008 at 12:22 AM

Very cool.

We miss you dropping by Starcasm now and again, Lisa. Keep up the good work. : )

Lisa said... @ December 19, 2008 at 1:16 AM

Starcasm, hey there... sorry its been a bit busy lately, but you know I'm a big fan of the stories and your drawings at starcasm. Coming over soon... see you :o)

T for Tango said... @ December 19, 2008 at 1:21 AM

Awesome blog, og du virker som en utrolig interessant karakter med driv til å gjøre noe for deg selv og fremtiden din. (Det er en personligegenskap jeg setter pris på hos andre.) Har jeg rett? Bedriften du er medeier i virer hvertfall int nok i seg selv. Fortell mer om den da!? For jeg fikk så lite info ut av profilteksten din! Jeg er ganske nyskjerrig av meg.. ;) Hehe!

Og takk for stemme i Frøken Norge konkurransen og ros for bloggen! :)

pssst. Fiks sånn at man kan kommentere med navn og nettsted eller noe. Så slipper jeg å bruke google-kontoen min for å skrive kommentarer. ;)

Lisa said... @ December 19, 2008 at 9:05 AM

Tove, how nice of you to visit and comment, thanks. I'm very excited to hear that you are in the Miss Norway contest this year and will keep an eye on your T for Tango blog for recent news - pursue your dreams.. you have my vote :o)
... innlegg, gjør det slik for å unngå spam Tove, slibrige spammere har vært fraværende siden jeg innførte dette. Du kan registrere deg med OpenID eventuelt sette en redirect på blogspot, eller signer innlegg med navn/url. Du har rett, jeg er en energisk (gal) person som elsker å utfordre det ekstreme, vi blir nok bedre kjent etterhvert..

Lena. said... @ December 19, 2008 at 4:34 PM

Herlig video :-) Er så stolt av jentene og ikke minst av Breivik!

Bra skrevet :)

Lisa said... @ December 19, 2008 at 7:33 PM

Lena, I agree with you - our handball team did a great job. Lets hope Marit Breivik decides to go on coaching them, she has achieved amazing results.

... takker for kommentaren Lena, veldig hyggelig du tok turen innom :o)

Connie said... @ December 21, 2008 at 4:30 AM

Wow! Looks like a very demanding sport. I've never heard of this before. This was interesting to learn about. Thanks, Lisa. :)

Lisa said... @ December 21, 2008 at 5:51 PM

Daisy, glad you liked it, and I'm pleased to introduce it to you :o)

T for Tango said... @ December 22, 2008 at 11:59 PM

Hehe, bare ett spørsmål you know! ;)

God jul Lisa! :)

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